Event date 19 January 2022
Event description

"Live Video #AMA featuring @WatanabeSota together with @cryptocom... 8PM SGT"

Proof link: https://coinmarketcal.com/event/live-video-ama-w-astar-102444

Proof link preview: Live Video AMA w/ Astar image

Past Events

Date Event description
19 January 2022 over 2 years ago Live Video AMA w/ Astar
15 January 2022 over 2 years ago Crowdcast AMA w/ Astar
07 December 2021 over 2 years ago CoinEx Listing
18 November 2021 over 2 years ago Crypto.com Exchange Listing
11 October 2021 over 2 years ago Synopsis 2021
07 October 2021 over 2 years ago SDN/DIA Twitter AMA

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