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MINUPosición 1312

0,000000 €   (+6.77%)
0.00000000 BTC (+10.41%)
0.00000000 ETH (+10.14%)
1h -0.48 %
24h +6.77%
Semana -26.69%
Mes -39.27%
Año +%

Operations on Bitcoin provided by Coinpaprika


Minu is the first mining dog coin on Binance Smart Chain. With its own decentralized app, Minu is giving an 8% daily return to its miners in forms of BNB, while Minu's native token is constantly increasing the TVL (Total Value Locked) of its miner with a 2% of every transaction (buy or sell) going to contract of the miner. Only Minu holders have the ability to start mining and earn daily rewards.

Minu [MINU] es una token basado en Binance ...

sitio web: minucoin.com
Conversación t.me
Redes sociales @minu_coin
Asset Type token
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Capitalización de mercado Posición 1312
Máximo histórico
1 587 931 € 28.00 BTC
0,000002 € 21 Feb 24 % to ATH (502.60%)
Monedas en circulación
Volumen (24h) Posición 958
5 948 276 786 364 (6.00%) Total: 6 325 008 239 910Máx: 100 000 000 000 000
816 576 € 14,49 BTC
Vol / Cap. Mer. (24h)
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