Rogue Doge ROGE Preis:

$0.00000000 -
ETH 0.015273 -
BTC 0.017761 -
$0 000000 24h Range $0.000000

Rogue Doge (ROGE) Metrics

Marktkapitalisierung Rang 11015
no data
$0.000000 04 Aug 21 % to ATH (52,488.47%)
Volumen (24h) Rang 10824
$1.42 BTC 0.000015
Umlaufende Versorgung
no data Total:100,000,000,000,000,000 Max: 100,000,000,000,000,000

Rogue Doge Preistabelle Live


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About Rogue Doge

Rogue Doge (ROGE) is a native crypto asset for the Rogue Tokens. A Crypto Ecosystem set to provide innovative products and initiatives within decentralised finance. Rogue Doge (ROGE) native utility token will be used for: Purchases of real world products and digital services in the store. To reduce/eliminate fees when trading on the exchange. Rogue Doge (ROGE) to include: The Rogue’s Bazaar - An online marketplace where holders of ROGE will trade real world goods and digital services for ROGE. The Rogue’s Exchange - A token exchange which will have a number of unique features designed to offer either free or the lowest fees on trades and all without compromising on security. Rogue Doge (ROGE) launched on the Ethereum mainnet on April 19, 2021 with 100 quadrillion tokens created. With no minting function 100 quadrillion is the maximum total supply. There is a 1% tax on every transaction of ROGE, which is then redistributed to reward all existing ROGE holders. The second native currency of the Rogue Tokens Crypto Ecosystem provides ROGE with a 5% tax on it’s own transactions, which serves a buy and burn function on ROGE. This makes ROGE a deflationary token regulated by the trade volume of the second native currency of the Rogue Tokens Crypto Ecosystem.

Rogue Doge [ROGE] ist ein/eine Token basierend auf Ethereum blockchain. Der aktuellste Preis für einen Rogue Doge [ROGE] is $0.000000. Rogue Doge ist an den Exchanges von 1 mit einer Summe von 1 aktiven Märkten notiert. Das 24h Volumen von [ROGE] ist $1.42, während die Rogue Doge Markt Kapitalisierung ist $0 welches es als #11015 einstuft aller Kryptowährungen. Weitere Informationen zu Rogue Doge [ROGE] finden Sie unter

ROGE Märkte

# Austausch Paar Volumen (24h) Preis Volumen (%) Kategorie Gebührentyp Aktualisier
1 $1.42$0.00000000100.000000%SpotPercentage2 minutes ago
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Rogue Doge Basics

WhitepaperRogue Doge WhitepaperÖffnen
Entwicklungsstatus Only token
Konsensmechanismus Not mineable
Algorithmus None
Hardware-Wallet Yes
Gestartet 19 April 2021
over 3 years ago
WalletCoins Mobile App
Asset typeToken
Contract Address
Explorers (1)
  • Ethereum (ETH) Token (ERC-20) (11863)
  • Meme Coin (1319)
  • DeFi (369)
  • Charity & Donations (66)

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