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Rank 426141
Price $17.72$0.189675$5.71
7d Chart Graph ofEthereum Classicprice from last seven days
Graph ofAlgorandprice from last seven days
Graph ofInternet Computerprice from last seven days
Market Cap $2,678,933,188.00$1,615,121,167.00$2,752,736,937.00
Volume 24h $281,351,593.00$70,268,435.00$37,534,662.00
ATH $167.08$2.65$342.23
% from ATH
Circulating Supply N/AN/AN/A
Total Supply 151 206 3308 446 894 635530 109 172
Max Supply 210 700 00010 000 000 000469 213 710
Beta 1.2241.4601.315
Started Jul 20, 2016Jun 19, 2019-
Asset Type CoinCoinCoin
Development status Working product
Org. structure DecentralizedCentralized
Open Source YesYesYes
Algorithm EthashPoS
Hardware wallet YesNoYes
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