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Bitget Token

Bitget Token
BGBRank 55

$1.109031   (-1.78%)
0.000019 BTC (+1.69%)
0.000354 ETH (+3.25%)
1h +0.45 %
24h -1.78%
Week -1.91%
Month -16.71%
Year +128.75%

Operations on Bitcoin provided by Coinpaprika


BGB (Bitget Token) is the exchange token of the Bitget exchange.
Which can be used to withhold trading fees, participate in the launchpad, staking, and much more.

Bitget Token [BGB] is a token based on Ethereum blockchain. The most actual price for one Bitget Token [BGB] is $1.109031. Bitget Token is listed on 4 exchanges with a sum of 10 active markets. The 24h volume of [BGB] is $100 812 839, while the Bitget Token market cap is $1 552 643 950 which ranks it as #55 of all cryptocurrencies. You can find more information about Bitget Token [BGB] on bitget.com

Asset Type token
Contract Address
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Market Cap Rank 55
All Time High
$1 552 643 950 26 669.00 BTC
$1.49 01 Jun 24 % to ATH (34.04%)
Circulating Supply
Volume (24h) Rank 69
1 400 000 000 (70.00%) Total: 2 000 000 000Max: 2 000 000 000
$100 812 839 1 731.62 BTC
Vol / M Cap (24h)
  • Overview
  • Exchanges / Markets 4
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