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Top coins with Cryptocurrency Tag
# Name MarketCap Price Volume (24h) Circulating Supply 7d chart
1 Bitcoin Bitcoin BTC $2 003 639 525 554 $101 204 $99 535 040 603 19,798,066
Bitcoin 7d price chart+0.56%
2 Ethereum Ethereum ETH $441 767 847 653 $3 668.37 $47 315 628 712 120,426,316
Ethereum 7d price chart-5.92%
4 XRP XRP XRP $134 763 927 242 $2.36 $17 733 579 724 57,187,870,382
XRP 7d price chart-4.01%
5 Binance Coin Binance Coin BNB $100 666 847 034 $699.02 $2 673 556 225 144,010,743
Binance Coin 7d price chart-2.44%
6 Solana Solana SOL $100 092 730 169 $208.89 $7 615 418 857 479,161,054
Solana 7d price chart-8.89%