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Top coins with Cryptocurrency Tag
# Name MarketCap Price Volume (24h) Circulating Supply 7d chart
1 Bitcoin Bitcoin BTC $2 075 903 291 133 $104 855 $96 982 827 532 19,797,834
Bitcoin 7d price chart+5.90%
2 Ethereum Ethereum ETH $465 290 434 269 $3 863.69 $34 704 552 148 120,426,316
Ethereum 7d price chart+3.26%
3 XRP XRP XRP $145 349 219 219 $2.54 $12 369 093 328 57,187,870,382
XRP 7d price chart+6.50%
5 Solana Solana SOL $104 163 943 926 $217.38 $6 320 496 803 479,177,351
Solana 7d price chart-3.94%
6 Binance Coin Binance Coin BNB $103 157 122 218 $716.32 $2 198 866 788 144,010,743
Binance Coin 7d price chart+4.03%