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Space Token (SPACE) is an innovative Binance Smart Chain Token that maximizes profit with DeFI Yield Generation and Crypto Earning Systems. Space Token has been created with a progressive, automatic burn mechanism to form a bridge between our product and our goal.

4% of each on-chain SPACE transactions is given to holders, 1% is burned to make this token deflationary and 1% is sent to a charity wallet for later distribution to the community-nominated Organization who supports space exploration, human ...

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Kapitalizacja rynku Ranking 5066
All Time High
0,756190 zł 24 Oct 21 % to ATH (1 319.65%)
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Wolumen (24h) Ranking 3168
? Total: 322 485 164Max: 350 000 000
162 985 zł 0,630348 BTC
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