MIR COIN is a cryptocurrency closely related to everyday life.
It is a value tool that is exchanged for MIR PAY.
MIR COIN is a core element of MIR PLATFORM which is an integrated
solution ranging over various use content and affiliated business plan.
In the network economy which tries to bind the world together, MIR COIN is a crypto-currency which is easy-to-pay in real life, and MIR COIN is a single system that not only integrates numerous points, coupons, reserve funds, and payment system, but also is always available anytime and anywhere.
MIR COIN can be exchanged with the fixed currency MIR PAY
and are a Cryptocurrency in everyday life that combines the points,
coupons and reserves of MIR LAND affiliates.
MIR COIN is responsible for convenience of remittance and payment by
linking block chain with electronic payment platform for safety and fast
processing speed.
Premine: 3.900.000.000 coins
MIR COIN [MIR] jest kryptowaluta z własnym blockchainem.Najbardziej aktualna cena dla MIR COIN [MIR] is 0 zł. MIR COIN jest notowany na 0 giełdach z sumą aktywnych rynków 0. Wolumen z 24h [MIR] jest 0 zł, podczas gdy MIR COIN kapitalizacja jest 0 zł co klasyfikuje to jako 'no rank' z wszystkich kryptowalut. Możesz znaleźć więcej informacji na temat MIR COIN [MIR] na mircoin.io
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(23 hours ago), 3 min read
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(2 days ago), 2 min read
Dokumentacja techniczna | ![]() |
Status rozwoju | On-going development |
Struktura org. | Centralized |
Konsensus sieci | Unknown |
Algorytm | Unknown |
Tagi |
Blog | blog.naver.com medium.com |