P2P Solutions P2PS цена:

$219.35 (-2.12%)
ETH 0.064645 (+0.08%)
BTC 0.002259 (-0.99%)
21 869.53 ₽ 24h Range 23 325.05 ₽

P2P Solutions (P2PS) Metrics

Рыночная капитализация Ранг 5431
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27 164.62 ₽ 06 Dec 24 % to ATH (20.69%)
Объем (24 ч) Ранг 679
$3,502,431.93 BTC 36.07
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About P2P Solutions


Anything that you exchange digitally with anyone, anywhere, is not private by any privacy standards; including information exchanged on your "private" intranet corporate networks.

The purpose of P2PS, brought to you by Peer 2 Peer Solutions LLC and P2P Solutions Foundation, is to bring you a system through which you can exchange confidential digital assets or files with absolutely no interference from any third party, not even an administrator. P2PS is a fully functional product that has no comparable substitutes, alternatives or parallels on a global level.

P2PS is the world's first blockchain-powered, secure, pure peer to peer, interference-free, digital communications platform designed for everyone with a need to securely store and exchange digital data such as private data, medical records, banking data and government classified data, among other sensitive digital exchanges. Such platforms today are simply nonexistent.

P2P Solutions [P2PS] это токен основан на Ethereum блокчейн. Наиболее актуальная цена для P2P Solutions [P2PS] is 22 547.74 ₽. P2P Solutions торгуется на {Exchange Count} биржах с количеством активных рынков {Markets Count}. 24 часовой объём [P2PS] это 360 028 775 ₽, в то время P2P Solutions рыночная капитализация составляет 0 ₽ что оценивает его как № #5431 из всех криптовалют Вы можете найти больше информации о P2P Solutions [P2PS] на p2psf.org

P2PS Рынки

# Биржа Пара Объем (24 ч) Цена Количество (%) Категория Тип комиссии Обновленный
1 $3 161 556.33$219.2790.290000%SpotPercentage4 minutes ago
2 $24 821.44$218.460.710000%SpotPercentage2 minutes ago
3 $205 576.87$220.365.870000%SpotPercentage2 minutes ago
4 $109 538.27$218.043.130000%SpotPercentage1 minute ago
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P2P Solutions Basics

Статус разработки Working product
Организационная структура Centralized
Механизм консенсуса Not mineable
Aлгоритм None
Аппаратный кошелек Yes
Началo 27 April 2019
over 5 years ago
WalletCoins Mobile App
Asset typeToken
Contract Address
Explorers (1)
  • Ethereum (ETH) Token (ERC-20) (11632)

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