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SpritzMoon Crypto Token

SpritzMoon Crypto Token
SPRITZMOONRanking 4951

0,000004 zł   (+0.03%)
0.00000000 BTC (-2.51%)
0.00000000 ETH (-2.78%)
1h +1.04 %
24h +0.03%
Tydzień +0.14%
Miesiąc +0.08%
Rok -85.9%

Operations on Bitcoin provided by Coinpaprika


SpritzMoon Crypto Token is 100% made in Italy and is on BSC
SpritzMoon Crypto Token (SpritzMoon), want develop 3 goals:

1. Create a Community within which to develop creating economic value

2. Sociality is one of the strengths of this Crypto, large part of the gains realized over time will be earmarked for concrete aid to the various associations related to the Spritz theme with a view to prevention

3. Allow all members of the community to use the token for Weekend Spritz with ...

Asset Type token
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Kapitalizacja rynku Ranking 4951
All Time High
0,001573 zł 06 May 22 % to ATH (38 885.46%)
Dostępne zasoby
Wolumen (24h) Ranking 4835
? Max: 1 000 000 000 000
14 792,38 zł 0,064567 BTC
Wolumen / Kap. rynkowa (24h)
  • Przegląd
  • Giełdy / Markety 1
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  • Widżet
  • Więcej...

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