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Revenue Coin

Revenue Coin
RVCRanking 4395

0,007114 zł   (+0.44%)
0.00000003 BTC (+7.34%)
0.00000062 ETH (+11.28%)
1h +0.04 %
24h +0.44%
Tydzień -0.75%
Miesiąc +6.43%
Rok -13.42%

Operations on Bitcoin provided by Coinpaprika


Revenue Coin (RVC) holders fund high-tech companies to scale marketing, sales, and social activities. Startups receiving funding allocate a % of revenues to the systematic purchase of RVC from the market, reducing supply and increasing its valuation.
Revenue Coin is a deflationary token and its quantity is fixed in a smart contract. RVC supply on the market will decrease due to monthly buyback and burning of tokens, which the companies from the Revenue Capital ecosystem are obliged to do (by allocating ...

Adres strony: revenuecoin.io
Kod źródłowy: github.com
Dyskusje t.me [1], t.me [2]
Social (followers): @RevenueCoin (18 204)
Asset Type token
Contract Address
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Kapitalizacja rynku Ranking 4395
All Time High
0,170046 zł 18 Dec 21 % to ATH (2 290.24%)
Dostępne zasoby
Wolumen (24h) Ranking 4420
? Total: 1 738 221 687Max: 1 738 221 687
36 623,09 zł 0,169927 BTC
Wolumen / Kap. rynkowa (24h)
  • Przegląd
  • Giełdy / Markety 3
  • Portfolio
  • Płynność
  • Progres kodu
  • Widżet
  • Więcej...

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