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Bitcoin File

Bitcoin File
BIFIRanking 4740

0,001929 zł   (-2.79%)
0.00000001 BTC (+3.43%)
0.00000017 ETH (+7.68%)
1h +0.07 %
24h -2.79%
Tydzień -5.32%
Miesiąc -15.79%
Rok +15.66%

Operations on Bitcoin provided by Coinpaprika


BitcoinFile(BIFI) is a point-to-point distributed file system based on blockchain technology and it aims to create a global decentralized file system combined with IPFS file system and bitcoin settlement network. The combined technology makes it more environmentally friend for the world, more fair and more rewarding for miners, more reliable and easier-to-use for users. It perfectly solves the problem of low stability in IPFS networks due to the inability of contributors to earn sufficient returns and the uselessness of power ...

Adres strony: bitcoinfile.org
Kod źródłowy: github.com
Dyskusje Telegram
Social (followers): Twitter (609)
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Kapitalizacja rynku Ranking 4740
All Time High
0,076022 zł 19 Aug 18 % to ATH (3 841.14%)
Dostępne zasoby
Wolumen (24h) Ranking 3585
? Total: 21 050 000 000
91 209,91 zł 0,426418 BTC
Wolumen / Kap. rynkowa (24h)
  • Przegląd
  • Giełdy / Markety 1
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