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BIDRanking 4079

0,005756 zł   (+%)
0.00000002 BTC (+%)
0.00000043 ETH (+%)
1h +0.1 %
24h +%
Tydzień -15.64%
Miesiąc -36.15%
Rok +87.1%

Operations on Bitcoin provided by Coinpaprika


The BiDao Cryptocurrency (BID) utilizes a completely decentralized proof-of-stake Blockchain with an additional collateral-backed
value token which is 100% stable in value quite in contrast to for
example Bitcoin, Binance Coin or Ethereum [1] which experience
huge fluctuation. As Settlement Layer the BiDao system utilizes the
Binance-chain. This means that you can also freely interact with all
crypto assets that are running on Binance-chain. In future, BiDao will
be also integrated with other Blockchains like Ethereum, Tezos, and
EOS. This way BiDao becomes the one-stop-shop for Decentralized
Finance ...

Adres strony: bidaochain.com
Kod źródłowy: github.com
Dyskusje t.me
Social (followers): @Bidaochain (16 119)
Asset Type token
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Kapitalizacja rynku Ranking 4079
All Time High
0,183420 zł 01 Oct 20 % to ATH (3 086.49%)
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Wolumen (24h) Ranking 4942
? Total: 2 650 000 000
19 132,70 zł 0,078286 BTC
Wolumen / Kap. rynkowa (24h)
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  • Giełdy / Markety 1
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