Mystery Investor 'Mr. 100' Holds $3.2 Billion in Bitcoin"

Mystery Investor 'Mr. 100' Holds $3.2 Billion in Bitcoin"


By Jakub Lazurek

02 Mar 2024 (4 months ago)

2 min read


Mr. 100' amasses 54,164 BTC, stirring intrigue as market values soar

The crypto world is buzzing about a shadowy figure dubbed "Mr. 100," who now controls over 54,164 bitcoins, worth around $3.2 billion. This investor, or possibly a group, has become a focal point due to their vast holdings, earning the nickname from their pattern of acquiring 100 BTC per transaction. Whales, as these large-scale investors are known, have a significant influence on the market, and their actions are closely watched by the crypto community.

Recent transactions have reignited interest, with an ancient wallet moving $11 million in BTC after 12 years of dormancy, and another shifting $8 million after a decade. November saw a wallet with $450 million in Bitcoin, adding to the speculation about "Mr. 100." This entity might be an investment fund or a major bank, although their identity remains concealed. Chris Martin from Amberdata views the connection to known ETFs as unlikely, given their transparency about wallet addresses. The mystery wallet has been buying Bitcoin through Binance and KuCoin since November 2022. The U.S. Government, holding over $12 billion in Bitcoin, is unlikely the owner due to the transaction sources.

Speculation suggests "Mr. 100" could be a fund, especially with Hong Kong reviewing crypto custodian applications. Martin doubts the buying spree is related to the upcoming Bitcoin halving, suggesting it supports the price increase instead. The reason behind the consistent 100 BTC transactions is a puzzle, possibly hinting at a funding strategy or limit. As the crypto market surges, the intrigue around "Mr. 100" and the broader bullish sentiment highlight the dynamic and speculative nature of cryptocurrency investments.

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