Trump Criticizes AI and CBDCs

Trump Criticizes AI and CBDCs


By Jakub Lazurek

05 Feb 2024 (4 months ago)

2 min read


Former President Donald Trump voiced strong concerns about central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) and artificial intelligence (AI), highlighting their potential to infringe on individual privacy and global security during a recent interview on Fox's Sunday Morning Futures.

Trump Raises Concerns Over Digital Currencies and AI

In a recent interview on Fox’s Sunday Morning Futures, former President Donald Trump voiced his apprehensions about central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) and the advancements in artificial intelligence (AI), marking these technologies as potential threats. With Trump being a potential candidate for the Republican Party in the upcoming 2024 presidential election, his critical views are drawing widespread attention.

CBDCs: A Threat to Privacy

Trump criticized CBDCs as a pathway for increased governmental surveillance and control over individual finances, stating they could be "very dangerous." He depicted a future where personal freedom is compromised by CBDCs, viewing them as tools for potential governmental overreach. Trump’s opposition to CBDCs is part of his larger economic narrative focused on safeguarding personal freedoms against government tyranny. He warned of scenarios where the government could access and empty individuals' accounts without prior notice.

AI: A Source of Danger

Trump expressed alarm over AI, labeling it as "the most dangerous thing out there" due to its potential for creating fake, indistinguishable content. He shared an experience with a deepfake video that misleadingly depicted him, highlighting the challenges in distinguishing real from manipulated content. Trump’s concerns about AI extend to issues of security, privacy, and the potential for technological advancements to cause conflicts. He called for immediate action to regulate AI development to prevent misuse, emphasizing the need for oversight to balance innovation with security.

Influencing Policy and Public Discourse

Trump’s commentary on CBDCs and AI is shaping public discourse, resonating with those concerned about government overreach and the unchecked growth of powerful technologies. As the 2024 election nears, these issues are expected to become central topics, pushing candidates to clarify their positions on innovation versus regulation and the protection of personal liberties in the digital age. Trump’s remarks are sparking a broader debate on technology, privacy, and government control, urging policymakers, technologists, and the public to engage in discussions about our digital future.

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