Nyzo NYZO 価格:

$0.006958 (+1.20%)
ETH 0.00000208 (+6.66%)
BTC 0.00000007 (+3.63%)
$0.006868 24h Range $0.007069

Nyzo (NYZO) Metrics

マーケットキャップ ランク 2502
$107,100.00 BTC 1.000000
$1.25 25 Apr 21 % to ATH (17,793.84%)
ボリューム(24h) ランク 8455
$31.87 BTC 0.000329
15,391,384 総計:100,000,000 最大: 100,000,000

Nyzo 価格表ライブ


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About Nyzo

Nyzo uses a collaborative verification system that requires neither proof of work nor proof of stake. There is no mining. Simply participating in the mesh gives a node the opportunity to verify transactions, and the queueing system is designed so that transaction fees are distributed equitably to all participants. Very little computational power is required of a node, and having superior computational power will not allow a node to gain a larger share of transaction fees.

Nyzo was developed from the ground up to explore blockchain technology in an approachable, accessible manner. The source is simple and easy to read. The design of the blockchain and mesh are also simple and clearly explained in the white paper. Instead of layering complex fixes on top of a flawed design or adding elaborate features, we focused on the foundational technology of the blockchain to build a system that just works. Nyzo is also exceptionally flexible and extensible — the sender data field of Nyzo transactions allows for virtually unlimited possibilities for applications that utilize the Nyzo blockchain — but this flexibility is not obtained at the cost of reliability or stability.

The blockchain is an exciting and undeniably useful technology. However, it is far from mature. While Bitcoin was a brilliant innovation, its issues are numerous, and many of the issues cannot be remedied through iterative change. Instead, a total rethinking of the blockchain — a clean slate — is necessary. Unfortunately, of the open-source, democratic blockchains in use, Bitcoin and its forks (or forks of forks) dominate the landscape, and truly novel open-source blockchain implementations are rare.

Nyzo [NYZO] は 独自のブロックチェーンを持つ暗号通貨.最も現実的な価格 Nyzo [NYZO] is $0.006958. Nyzo 活性化された市場2と共に1取引所に上場しています。 24時間容量の [NYZO] は $31.87, ながら Nyzo マーケットキャップは $107 100 #2502としてランク付けする 全ての仮想通貨 Nyzo [NYZO] にてより多くの情報を見つけられます nyzo.co

NYZO マーケット

# 取引所 ペア ボリューム(24h) 価格 ボリューム(%) カテゴリー 手数料タイプ アップデート
1 $31.87$0.006958100.000000%SpotPercentage1 minute ago
2 $0.00000000$0.0067010.000000%SpotPercentage1 minute ago
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Nyzo Basics

백서Nyzo Whitepaper開く
開発ステータス On-going development
Org. 構造 Unknown
コンセンサス・メカニズム Proof of Diversity
アルゴリズム POD
開始 2 April 2018
over 6 years ago
Asset typeCoin
Explorers (1)
  • Cryptocurrency (1175)
  • Premine (539)



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