Decimal DEL 価格:

$0.000934 (-3.91%)
ETH 0.00000028 (-2.47%)
BTC 0.00000001 (-4.74%)
$0.000932 24h Range $0.001001

Decimal (DEL) Metrics

マーケットキャップ ランク 1498
$1,038,268.00 BTC 11.00
$0.792897 06 Oct 21 % to ATH (84,832.51%)
ボリューム(24h) ランク 5287
$2,372.30 BTC 0.024317
1,112,100,390 総計:11,121,003,896 最大: 92,075,616,000

Decimal 価格表ライブ


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About Decimal

Decimal - is a crypto currency based by the innovative modern Tendermint (Cosmos SDK) engine.

Decimal blockchain unites the best developments such as instant creation of liquid tokens, NFT design, launching of smart contracts, and provides them with a user-friendly interface.
It takes you just 3 minutes to launch your own crypto on the basis of Decimal without any elements of programming, by just finding a name and filling in some basic data.
Particular attention should be given to
Decimal NFT that allows to store an object (picture, document, record) inside a token therefore expanding the opportunities of NFT market, and the SFT version of token enable entrepreneurs to organise sales and make discount coupons with the help of blockchain - this means, transparently.
Decimal has an open source code, and all the updates and plans are negotiated with the community via the open blockchain voting.

Decimal [DEL] は 独自のブロックチェーンを持つ暗号通貨.最も現実的な価格 Decimal [DEL] is $0.000934. Decimal 活性化された市場4と共に3取引所に上場しています。 24時間容量の [DEL] は $2 372.30, ながら Decimal マーケットキャップは $1 038 268 #1498としてランク付けする 全ての仮想通貨 Decimal [DEL] にてより多くの情報を見つけられます

DEL マーケット

# 取引所 ペア ボリューム(24h) 価格 ボリューム(%) カテゴリー 手数料タイプ アップデート
1 $334.51$0.00102614.100000%SpotPercentage1 minute ago
2 $2 036.95$0.00091885.860000%SpotPercentage1 minute ago
3 $0.614771$0.0025800.030000%SpotPercentage1 minute ago
4 $0.224072$0.0025910.009000%SpotPercentage1 minute ago
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Decimal Basics

백서Decimal Whitepaper開く
開発ステータス Working product
コンセンサス・メカニズム Delegated Proof of Stake
アルゴリズム Tendermint
開始 1 August 2020
over 4 years ago
Asset typeCoin
Explorers (1)
  • Cryptocurrency (1175)
  • Delegated Proof Of Stake (67)



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