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STMXClassifica 444

$0.008004   (+5.58%)
0.00000013 BTC (+4.02%)
0.00000242 ETH (-0.58%)
1h -0.59 %
24h +5.58%
Settimana -0.79%
Mese -33.25%
Anno +42.82%

Operations on Bitcoin provided by Coinpaprika


Storm Market is changing the way that people all around the world earn with one simple motto: earn from anywhere, at any time, from any device. Blockchain enables micro-transactions to be carried out in an efficient manner. The difference is around human-centric user interfaces and experiences. Our gamified micro-task platform creates an engaging user experience that encourages active participation with the STORMX token community.

StormX [STMX] è un token basato su Ethereum blockchain. Il prezzo più attuale per uno StormX [STMX] ...

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Capitalizzazione di mercato Classifica 444
Record di prezzo
$80 039 233 1 254.00 BTC
$3.01 28 Mar 21 % to ATH (37 479.49%)
Quantità Circolante
Volume (24h) Classifica 386
10 000 000 000 Totale: 12 500 000 000
$6 267 943 98.21 BTC
Vol / Cap. Mercato (24h)
  • Panoramica
  • Exchange / Mercati 21
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