Smartholdem STH prezzo:

$0.003080 (+0.35%)
ETH 0.00000080 (+4.74%)
BTC 0.00000003 (+3.20%)
$0.003067 24h Range $0.003125

Smartholdem (STH) Metrics

Capitalizzazione di mercato Classifica 1616
$768,919.00 BTC 7.00
Record di prezzo
$1 141.71 16 Aug 20 % to ATH (37,075,715.06%)
Volume (24h) Classifica 3745
$21,390.87 BTC 0.206174
Quantità Circolante
249,677,907 Totale:249,677,907

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Grafico di prezzo

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About Smartholdem

SmartHoldem is a decentralized Web3 platform that brings together players and developers to shape the gaming industry's future. It provides blockchain-provably fair Web3 solutions, including TRNG SmartHoldem, for the Gaming and iGaming industries.

SmartHoldem STH is a cryptocurrency and blockchain-based platform allowing anyone to create high-performance Web3 games. The SmartHoldem blockchain can process over 5,000,000,000 transactions daily, making it an excellent solution for the gaming industry.
SmartHoldem is reducing the crypto industry's reliance on Smart Contracts by using new types of transactions, TRNG service, ZKP functions, and popular programming languages.

Smartholdem [STH] è un Cryptomonete con la propria blockchain.Il prezzo più attuale per uno Smartholdem [STH] is $0.003080. Smartholdem E' quotato su 3 exchange con una somma di 8 mercati attivi. Volume 24h di [STH] è $21 390.87, Mentre il Smartholdem La capitalizzazione di mercato è $768 919 Il che lo classifica come #1616 di tutte le cryptomonete. Puoi trovare maggiori informazioni riguardo Smartholdem [STH] su

STH Mercati

# Exchange Paio Volume (24h) Prezzo Volume (%) Categoria Tipologia commissione Aggiornato
1 $203.17$0.0031240.950000%SpotPercentage2 minutes ago
2 $102.12$0.0031640.480000%SpotPercentage2 minutes ago
3 $20 380.46$0.00307395.420000%SpotPercentage2 minutes ago
4 $391.44$0.0031751.830000%SpotPercentage2 minutes ago
5 $170.56$0.0032020.800000%SpotPercentage2 minutes ago
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Smartholdem Basics

WhitepaperSmartholdem WhitepaperAperto
Stato di sviluppo On-going development
Struttura Org. Centralized
Open SourceYes
Meccanismo di consenso Delegated Proof of Stake
Algoritmo DPoS
iniziato 12 December 2017
over 7 years ago
Sito web
Codice fonte
Asset typeCoin
Explorers (1)
  • Cryptocurrency (1175)
  • Delegated Proof Of Stake (67)
  • Gaming (505)

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Get more info about Smartholdem Cryptocurrency
  • Come acquistare Smartholdem? Come posso acquistare la moneta Smartholdem? Smartholdem come comprare? Come ottenere Smartholdem?

    To find out where you can buy currency Smartholdem see the list of available exchanges.

  • Dove scambiare Smartholdem?

    Click here to see the list of available exchanges for Smartholdem.

  • SmartHoldem is a decentralized Web3 platform that brings together players and developers to shape the gaming industry's future. It provides blockchain-provably fair Web3 solutions, including TRNG SmartHoldem, for the Gaming and iGaming industries. SmartHoldem STH is a cryptocurrency and blockchain-based platform allowing anyone to create high-performance Web3 games. The SmartHoldem blockchain can process over 5,000,000,000 transactions daily, making it an excellent solution for the gaming industry. SmartHoldem is reducing the crypto industry's reliance on Smart Contracts by using new types of transactions, TRNG service, ZKP functions, and popular programming languages.

  • Minare la moneta Smartholdem

    La moneta Smartholdem ha un meccanismo di consenso: . Puoi coniare queste monete con l'algoritmo DPoS.

  • Smartholdem è una moneta e significa che è una criptovaluta che ha la sua blockchain e funziona in modo indipendente dalle altre criptovalute. Esempi di monete: Bitcoin, Stellar, Litecoin.

  • Qual è il valore della moneta Smartholdem?

    1 Smartholdem vale $0.003080.

  • Per ottenere il prezzo e i dati storici della moneta Smartholdem, utilizza l'API ID: sth-smartholdem per gli endpoint su

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Smartholdem Team

Senior Developer Lead Blockchain