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Shitcoin (TON)
SHIT Classifica 5539 Classifica 5539

$0.026574 (-4.07%)
$0.026574 (-4.07%)
0.00000787 ETH (-3.88%)
0.00000043 BTC (-4.03%)
$0.026397 24h Range $0.028372

SHIT Metrics

Capitalizzazione di mercato
Record di prezzo
$0.054448 23 May 24 % to ATH (104.82%)
Volume (24h) Classifica 4484
$9 087.61 0.148088 BTC
Quantità Circolante
? Max: 100 000 000

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Grafico di prezzo

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About Shitcoin (TON)

Shitcoin trading has already become a meme. Why shitcoins so attractive? Constant threats of ragpools, huge volatility, teams constantly disappearing into oblivion. Despite all this problems traders monitor screeners in hope. They want the Chosen One. Lowcap give them hope for a wife-change money in case the coin will make it.

“The one” is already here. We made one shitcoin to rule them all. If you want to buy a shitcoin you no longer have to choose which one. Shitcoin is here.

$shitcoin was created in order to gather a strong community around itself and generate as many memes as possible as soon as possible.

Shitcoin (TON) [SHIT] è un Token senza una propria blockchain. Il prezzo più attuale per uno Shitcoin (TON) [SHIT] is $0.026574. Shitcoin (TON) E' quotato su 1 exchange con una somma di 1 mercati attivi. Volume 24h di [SHIT] è $9 087.61, Mentre il Shitcoin (TON) La capitalizzazione di mercato è $0 Il che lo classifica come #5539 di tutte le cryptomonete. Puoi trovare maggiori informazioni riguardo Shitcoin (TON) [SHIT] su tonshitcoin.xyz

SHIT Mercati

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Shitcoin (TON) Basics

Stato di sviluppo Working product
Struttura Org.
Meccanismo di consenso Not mineable
Algoritmo None
Portafoglio hardware No
iniziato 5 May 2024
one month ago
Sito web
Asset typeToken
Contract Address
Explorers (1)

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