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Ignis is the public and permissionless core child chain of the Ardor platform. Ignis enables anyone to deploy lightweight smart contracts in Java and automate on-off chain business processes using a library of more than 250+ APIs. Application and service end-users never need to directly interact with the blockchain because the “bundling” system allows businesses and dapp owners to sponsor transaction validation fees for their users.

Ignis [IGNIS] è un Token senza una propria blockchain. Il prezzo più attuale per uno ...

Asset Type token
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Capitalizzazione di mercato Classifica 1222
Record di prezzo
$4 037 611 64.00 BTC
$2.62 04 Jan 18 % to ATH (49 373.47%)
Quantità Circolante
Volume (24h) Classifica 5709
761 143 950 (76.00%) Totale: 999 449 694Max: 999 449 694
$1 705.51 0.026829 BTC
Vol / Cap. Mercato (24h)
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  • Exchange / Mercati 3
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