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The Fuse Network is tailor-made for local communities and used to power day-to-day mobile payments for any person with a phone.
It’s designed to be a very low-cost alternative to traditional cash or cashless payments. It lowers the barriers of entry for entrepreneurs to launch wallets, payments services, loyalty programs, and any other systems that were previously powered by paper.

Fuse Network [FUSE] è un token basato su Ethereum, Binance Coin, Gnosis, Polygon, Arbitrum blockchain. Il prezzo più attuale per uno Fuse ...

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Capitalizzazione di mercato Classifica 821
Record di prezzo
$17 819 051 279.00 BTC
$2.15 20 Jan 22 % to ATH (2 954.07%)
Quantità Circolante
Volume (24h) Classifica 872
253 529 793 Totale: 367 466 688
$1 046 982 16.42 BTC
Vol / Cap. Mercato (24h)
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  • Exchange / Mercati 11
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