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OneRoot Network

OneRoot Network
RNTपद 1328

$0.005789   (-6.79%)
0.00000009 BTC (-6.14%)
0.00000167 ETH (-5.88%)
1 घंटे +0.34 %
24h -6.79%
सप्ताह -32.94%
महीना +%
साल +%

Operations on Bitcoin provided by Coinpaprika


ONEROOT Project brings together the tangible and intangible resources inside and outside the industry. In the process of optimizing and integrating resources, ONEROOT extends the idea of a shared economy and separates the right to use and the ownership of resources, and proposes the concept of a distributed business engine. With the help of blockchain technology, the co-builders can digitize the right to use resources, including software, hardware, manpower, etc., and establish transparent value exchange and cooperation rules, which greatly ...

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