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Celo Euro

Celo Euro
CEURपद 987

$1.085441   (+0.38%)
0.000019 BTC (-1.63%)
0.000357 ETH (-0.35%)
1 घंटे-
24h +0.38%
सप्ताह +1.32%
महीना +0.19%
साल -0.41%

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cEUR (Celo Euro) is a stable digital asset that tracks the Euro. With cEUR, users can transfer value faster, cheaper, and more easily on their smartphone. As with the Celo Dollar (cUSD), the Celo Euro is a decentralized algorithmic stable asset. Celo’s digital currencies cUSD and cEUR provide people all over the world with stable, secure, inexpensive, and easy ways to transfer value and engage in financial activities that were previously inaccessible to them. This is the first step toward ...

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