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CELLपद 828

$0.442695   (+2.99%)
0.00000698 BTC (-1.28%)
0.000126 ETH (-1.03%)
1 घंटे -0.06 %
24h +2.99%
सप्ताह -2.12%
महीना -36.99%
साल +147.84%

Operations on Bitcoin provided by Coinpaprika


Cellframe is a service oriented blockchain network. It is built very close to the hardware, to provide efficiency of use on any machine — from supercomputer to smart fridge. Post quantum encryption is a default one to provide the highest level of security. Important to note that we did not try to invent a new unproven yet essence or technology; we are making the blockchain the way it should be done to be called an infrastructure.

Cellframe [CELL] एक है के ...

वेबसाइट: cellframe.net
विचार-विमर्श cellframe.medium.com
सामाजिक @cellframenet
Asset Type token
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