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AVNपद 2634

$0.000042   (-1.27%)
0.00000000 BTC (+0.01%)
0.00000001 ETH (-0.64%)
1 घंटे +1.4 %
24h -1.27%
सप्ताह +4.16%
महीना -26.78%
साल -1.01%

Operations on Bitcoin provided by Coinpaprika


Avian Network (AVN) is driven by the community, which is fully committed to the prosperity of the AVN network.
It provides balanced use of X16RT and MinotaurX algorithms, ensuring equal rights for each community member to participate in block production using their GPU or CPU, with greater user control and censorship resistance in the issuance and governance of digital assets.

Avian Network is a secure blockchain (PoW).
Reward of 2500 AVN per block.
Block time of 30 seconds.
Total supply of 21 billion.
Decentralized hash rate ...

वेबसाइट: avn.network
अन्वेषक: explorer-us.avn.network
विचार-विमर्श bitcointalk.org , discord.com
सामाजिक reddit.com , @avianfoundation
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