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OMपद 133

$0.797144   (+12.53%)
0.000012 BTC (+11.44%)
0.000241 ETH (+7.08%)
1 घंटे +1.54 %
24h +12.53%
सप्ताह +16.46%
महीना +8.69%
साल +2169.12%

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MANTRA is a first of its kind, vertically-integrated and regulatory compliant blockchain ecosystem. The MANTRA OMniverse encompasses the DAO; MANTRA Nodes: a blockchain infrastructure-as-a-service business that includes retail staking, institutional delegation, node management and white-label validator operations; MANTRA Chain: a protocol for regulated assets for the Cosmos ecosystem; and MANTRA Finance: a globally-regulated DeFi platform that brings the speed and transparency of DeFi to the world of traditional finance.

MANTRA [OM] एक है के आधार पर टोकन Ethereum, Binance Coin, Polygon ...

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बाज़ार आकार पद 133
सबसे उच्च स्तर पर
$646 269 903 10 131.00 BTC
$1.040420 11 Apr 24 % to ATH (30.52%)
परिसंचारी आपूर्ति
मात्रा (24h) पद 101
810 731 946 (91.00%) कुल: 888 888 888अधिकतम: 888 888 888
$49 787 318 780.47 BTC
मात्रा / एम कैप (24 ह)
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