GCB Exchange

GCB Exchange


GCB Exchange is a cutting-edge cryptocurrency trading platform designed to facilitate the trading of digital assets with a strong emphasis on security, efficiency, and scalability. The platform offers a variety of features, including P2P trading, perpetual futures, and leveraged ETFs, catering to a global user base especially focusing on new customer base where crypto is in high demand but hard to reach, focusing also on education for these countries. the exchange have a native token " GCB Token", which provides utility in trading fees, rewards, ...

Całkowity wolumen 3 959 205 202 zł
10 053,16 BTC
Volume ERV 1 318 930 029 zł
Uregulowana No
Typ Scentralizowana giełda
Adres strony
Stan stronyOstatnio sprawdzane 4 minutes ago
Stan APIOstatnio sprawdzane 4 minutes ago
Ochrona bezpieczeństwa
ddos shield
Lokalizacja siedzibySaint Lucia

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