FameEX Derivatives

FameEX Derivatives


FameEX has established itself as a global frontier for derivatives trading with cross-platform tools, providing a comprehensive range of spot and derivatives trading products. These offerings include spot trading, grid trading, margin trading, futures trading, and options trading for cryptocurrencies. Users can flexibly trade and store their cryptocurrencies via an efficient and stable matching trading system, while experiencing AI-recommended order placement, an online futures calculator, grid trading bots, and other trading assistance tools on the platform. As of March 2023, FameEX has served 600,000 active users ...

Całkowity wolumen 17 888 549 542 zł
46 450,95 BTC
Uregulowana No
Typ Scentralizowana giełda
Adres strony
Stan stronyOstatnio sprawdzane less than a minute ago
Stan APIOstatnio sprawdzane less than a minute ago
Ochrona bezpieczeństwa

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*** Wolumen wykluczony - brak aktualnych danych z API giełdy