March Market Report by CoinPaprika
What is marketcap?
Market capitalization, or market cap, is a popular measure of a company's or cryptocurrency's total value in the market. It is calculated by multiplying the current market price per share or unit by the total number of outstanding shares or units. The market cap provides investors and analysts with insights into the size and relative importance of a company or cryptocurrency within the broader financial landscape.
Calculation:Asset's circulating supply * Bitcoin price in US Dollar
Source:Coinpaprika API
What is volume?
Volume refers to the total quantity of a specific cryptocurrency traded on exchanges within a given period.
Calculation: Volume (USD) = Number of Coins or Tokens Traded * Price of the Cryptocurrency in USD
Source:Coinpaprika API
What is fee?
Bitcoin fee, often referred to as transaction fee, are charges users pay to have their Bitcoin transactions processed and confirmed by miners on the Bitcoin network
Fee (in satoshi) = Transaction Input Value (sat) - Transaction Output Value (sat)
1 satoshi (sat.) = 0.00000001BTC
What is liquidity?
Liquidity refers to the ease with which an asset can be bought or sold in the market without causing a significant impact on its price. High liquidity means there are a sufficient number of buyers and sellers in the market, making it easy to execute trades quickly at stable prices. On the other hand, low liquidity may result in larger price swings and higher transaction costs.
For our calculations, we are considering only markets to stablecoins.
Bids >> Buy orders
Asks >> Sell orders
Source: Coinpaprika API
Active addresses
Last month, there were 15952981 Bitcoin addresses with at least one transaction.
What is marketcap?
Market capitalization, or market cap, is a popular measure of a company's or cryptocurrency's total value in the market. It is calculated by multiplying the current market price per share or unit by the total number of outstanding shares or units. Market cap provides investors and analysts with insights into the size and relative importance of a company or cryptocurrency within the broader financial landscape.
Calculation:Asset's circulating supply * Ethereum price in US Dollar
Source: Coinpaprika API
What is volume?
Volume refers to the total quantity of a specific cryptocurrency traded on exchanges within a given period.
Calculation: Volume (USD) = Number of Coins or Tokens Traded * Price of the Cryptocurrency in USD
Source:Coinpaprika API
Average daily Ethereum transaction fee. (in Gwei)
What is fee?
Ethereum fee, often referred to as transaction fee, are charges users pay to have their Ethereum transactions processed and confirmed.
Fee (in Gwei) = gas price (WEI) * gas_used (WEI)
1 gwei = 0.000000001ETH
What is liquidity?
Liquidity refers to the ease with which an asset can be bought or sold in the market without causing a significant impact on its price. High liquidity means there are a sufficient number of buyers and sellers in the market, making it easy to execute trades quickly at stable prices. On the other hand, low liquidity may result in larger price swings and higher transaction costs.
For our calculations, we are considering only markets to stablecoins.
Bids >> Buy orders
Asks >> Sell orders
Source:Coinpaprika API
Active addresses
Last month, there were 8964187 Ethereum addresses with at least one transaction.
Biggest gainers
TOP 10 gainers this month (%)
List of top 10 monthly price gainers from TOP 200 cryptocurrencies measured by marketcap.Last month, best performing coin was Book Of Meme which gained 1,092%.
Worst performing
TOP 10 losers this month (%)
List of top 10 monthly price losers from TOP 200 cryptocurrencies measured by marketcap.Last month, the worst-performing coin was Hex From Pulsechain which dumped -48%.
Blockchains data
Sum of all transactions performed on specific chains.
Source:Dune API
Active addresses
How it is being counted?
If it comes to the active addresses, we are using this phrase for every single address to have sent and/or received at least one transaction in a specific month.
Source:Dune API
Developers activity
Number of github commits for projects in the last month.
What are github commits?
GitHub commits are essentially records of changes made to a project's codebase. They represent individual updates or additions to the code by developers. When someone works on a software project, they make changes to the code to add new features, fix bugs, or improve existing functionality. Each of these changes is captured as a commit.
Please note that we are currently not following those changes for every single existing projects.
Source:Coinpaprika API
Crypto Exchanges
Volume from 10 biggest CEX / DEX for last 30 days.
Decentralized Exchanges
Total volume of 10 biggest crypto decentralized exchanges.