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TIALe Rang 1455

0,004256 €   (-14.02%)
0.00000008 BTC (-11.7%)
0.00000154 ETH (-9.88%)
1h +0.26 %
24 h -14.02%
Semaine -22.1%
Mois -39.84%
Année +32.34%

Operations on Bitcoin provided by Coinpaprika

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What is Tiamonds.com?
Tiamonds is the world's largest blockchain-powered marketplace for diamond NFTs. Each Tiamond is a non-fungible token (NFT) that is 1to1 backed by a unique and non-fungible diamond that is identified by a GIA certificate and held in secure storage, insured by Lloyds of London. The link between the physical diamond and the digital NFT is ensured by LCX's regulated role as a Physical Validator according to the Liechtenstein Blockchain Act (TVTG). This makes Tiamonds a secure and reliable ...

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Capitalisation boursière Le Rang 1455
Tous les temps haut
841 925 € 16.00 BTC
0,456372 € 28 Feb 22 % to ATH (10 623.64%)
Le Supply en circulation
Volume (24 h) Le Rang 5429
197 832 155 (20.00%) Total: 1 010 000 000Max: 1 010 000 000
2 453,54 € 0,046871 BTC
Vol / M boursière (24h)
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