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0,054261 €   (+2.54%)
0.00000104 BTC (+2.71%)
0.000020 ETH (+0.62%)
1h +0.68 %
24 h +2.54%
Semaine -20.99%
Mois -35.63%
Année +187.26%

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Xend Finance (XF) is a decentralized Credit Union protocol built to optimize, improve and add value to the core operations of credit unions globally. The Xend Finance protocol is decentralizing savings, lending, borrowing and investment operations of credit unions as well as providing multi-level interest returns to members of these unions.

Xend Finance [RWA] est un token basé sur Ethereum, Binance Coin, Polygon, Arbitrum blockchain. Le prix le plus réel pour un Xend Finance [RWA] is 0,054261 €. Xend Finance est ...

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Capitalisation boursière Le Rang 952
Tous les temps haut
6 637 570 € 127.00 BTC
0,526656 € 27 Mar 24 % to ATH (870.59%)
Le Supply en circulation
Volume (24 h) Le Rang 4216
122 326 011 Total: 200 000 000
9 607,15 € 0,184335 BTC
Vol / M boursière (24h)
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