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CLSLe Rang 1659

0,096168 €   (-2.66%)
0.00000181 BTC (+2.39%)
0.000033 ETH (+3.29%)
1h +0.16 %
24 h -2.66%
Semaine -2.62%
Mois -20.04%
Année +103.25%

Operations on Bitcoin provided by Coinpaprika

Porte monnaie

ColdStack is a Decentralized Cloud Storage Aggregator that provides a single entry point to Decentralized Clouds such as Filecoin, SIA, Arweave and Storj with unified API and billing. This eliminates the need for our clients to deal with different APIs and different Clouds. They can reuse existing tools or SDK clients designed for the Amazon Simple Cloud Storage (S3) API, which becomes the de-facto standard for the data storage industry. They also can combine multiple Decentralized Clouds in one dApp.

ColdStack ...

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Capitalisation boursière Le Rang 1659
Tous les temps haut
1 450 356 € 27.00 BTC
7,31 € 28 Nov 23 % to ATH (7 496.72%)
Le Supply en circulation
Volume (24 h) Le Rang 2480
15 081 539 (30.00%) Total: 49 763 520Max: 50 000 000
76 019,17 € 1,43 BTC
Vol / M boursière (24h)
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