Pionex is the exchange incubated by BitUniverse, which has been invested by top funds with 10M USD. The exchange was launched in June, and is one of the first exchanges which is focusing on quant trading and trading bots. There are 5 in-built trading bots, with which you can auto buy/sell the coins with very good liquidity. Pionex has a reported 24h volume of $3 584 992 079 with an Estimated Real Volume of $1 278 279 116 It is a a centralized exchange that offers 324 currencies and has a 26.74% Confidence Score based on our Algorithms.
Total Volume |
$3 584 992 079
36 721.33 BTC
Volume ERV
$1 278 279 116
Currencies | 324 |
Fees | Link |
Type |
Centralized Exchange
Website | |
Website status | Last check 1 minute ago |
API Status | Last check 1 minute ago |
Security Protection | |
HQ Location | Singapore |
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* Price / Volume Excluded - Outlier detected
*** Volume Excluded - no fresh data from exchange API
Confidence score is our new formula, which is evaluating exchanges, on three principal matters:- Confidence
- Liquidity
- Web Traffic
- Regulations
Each of these have appropriate weights, which are calculated into proper score. Important
Liquidity to Volume ratio (CO/Vol based) on this market is good, and volume seems to be accurately represented.
Liquidity to Volume ratio (CO/Vol based) on this market is average, reported volume by exchange can be higher, than it is in reality.
Liquidity to Volume ratio (CO/Vol based) on this market is bad, there is high probability that volume is inflated (e.g. wash-trading), or market isn't liquid enough (low volume exchange).
No data
There is no data, available regarding this market.