Independent Reserve
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Independent Reserve


Independent Reserve is a cryptocurrency exchange that is based out of Sydney, Australia. Having been founded in 2013, it is one of the first crypto services to make trading available in Australia and New Zealand. The exchange operates in line with all of the laws and regulations laid out by the Australian financial services, thereby allowing for asset exchange in a completely legal and safe manner.

Independent Reserve has a reported 24h volume of $11 454 727 with an Estimated Real Volume of $11 454 727 It is a a centralized exchange that offers 18 currencies and has a 75.00% Confidence Score based on our Algorithms.

Volume change
Total Volume $11 454 727
168.64 BTC
Volume ERV $11 454 727
Regulated No
Type Centralized Exchange
Website statusLast check 3 minutes ago
API StatusLast check 3 minutes ago
Security Protection
ddos shield
HQ LocationSydney, Australia

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