Counos Exchange

Counos Exchange


Counos s.r.o. is a company registered in the country of Slovakia with the registration number «51 285 037» that has the permit to work in the field of trading cryptocurrencies and fiat money. This company has tried to establish its trading platforms in order to facilitate the process of exchanging cryptocurrencies to one another and the possibility of buying and selling them in a completely legal way with fiat money so that customers of this service would be able to engage in their trades with ...

Cambio de volumen
Volumen total 6 518,21 €
0,069811 BTC
Volumen VRE 6 518,21 €
Regulado Yes
Tipo Exchange centralizado
sitio web
Estado de la webÚltima comprobación 4 minutes ago
Estado de la APIÚltima comprobación 4 minutes ago
Protección de seguridad
ddos shield
Ubicación de la centralBratislava, Slovakia

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Por volumen Por liquidez
No hay elementos que coincidan con los criterios de búsqueda
* Precio / Volumen excluido - detectado valor atípico
*** Volumen excluido - no hay datos recientes de la API del exchange