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The Radiant network is a peer-to-peer digital asset system that enables direct exchange of value without going through a central party. A zero compromise blockchain with the inherent parallelism and performance characteristics of an unspent transaction output (UTXO) based architecture and the Turing Complete programming of Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) architectures. This is a breakthrough smart contracting and digital asset system based on SHA512 proof-of-work, designed for extreme throughput and scale.

Radiant [RXD] es una criptomoneda con su propia cadena de ...

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Capitalización de mercado Posición 974
Máximo histórico
6 650 897 € 114.00 BTC
0,008592 € 15 Apr 23 % to ATH (1 327.87%)
Monedas en circulación
Volumen (24h) Posición 2782
11 052 696 204 (53.00%) Total: 21 000 000 000Máx: 21 000 000 000
54 863,59 € 0,936365 BTC
Vol / Cap. Mer. (24h)
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