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Business Credit Alliance Chain

Business Credit Alliance Chain
BCACPosición 0

Operations on Bitcoin provided by Coinpaprika


Business Credit Alliance Chain (BCAC) builds a new retail commercial credit economy based on blockchain;
Through blockchain technology, it creates a supply chain traceability, credit quantifiability, data transparency, collection of consumer shopping, membership services, precision marketing, centralised procurement and other scenarios to form an online e-commerce transaction, offline shopping experience to build a new retail ecosystem with multi-participation and multi-party benefits.

The BCAChain will fully launch the retail traceability plan, using blockchain technology, Internet of Things technology and big data to track ...

sitio web: bcachain.org
Código fuente: github.com
Conversación Telegram
Redes sociales bcachain.org , BCAChain
Asset Type token
Contract Address
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Capitalización de mercado
Máximo histórico
0,073264 € 18 Jul 19
Monedas en circulación
Volumen (24h)
496 239 437 Total: 512 122 609
0 €
Vol / Cap. Mer. (24h)
  • Resumen
  • Exchanges / Mercados 0
  • Portafolio
  • Liquidez
  • Progreso del código
  • Más ...

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