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Pulse Zen

Pulse Zen
PZENPosición 8355

0,000371 €   (+%)
0.00000001 BTC (+%)
0.00000013 ETH (+%)
1h +0.02 %
24h +%
Semana +%
Mes +%
Año -90.12%

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Pulse Zen is a web 3.0 socially engineered token, designed to redistribute wealth. Harness the power of compound interest the protocol through the PIF(pay It Forward) function collects 2% from every transaction and distributes it proportionally to all PZEN holders. The token is deflationary and has a charity wallet function controlled by a DAO.
There is no scarcity of wealth we just need a better redistribution system and this is it.

Pulse Zen [PZEN] es una token basado en Ethereum blockchain. El ...

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Capitalización de mercado Posición 8355
Máximo histórico
0,076904 € 05 Dec 23 % to ATH (20 630.79%)
Monedas en circulación
Volumen (24h) Posición 7808
? Máx: 880 000 000
103,66 € 0,001837 BTC
Vol / Cap. Mer. (24h)
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