Litecred LTCR precio:

$0.000291 -
ETH 0.00000009 -
BTC 0.00000000 -
0,000279 € 24h Range 0,000279 €

Litecred (LTCR) Metrics

Capitalización de mercado Posición 2493
no data
Máximo histórico
0,012614 € 11 Dec 17 % to ATH (4,418.28%)
Volumen (24h) Posición 11176
$0.002912 BTC 0.00000003
Monedas en circulación
30,227,750 Total:30,227,750

Litecred Gráfico de precio en directo

Gráfico de precio

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About Litecred

Litecred is a new cryptocurrency with the characteristic of self-funded development, via block subsidy of 10% for each minted block. That 10% will be not directly usable at the beginning of the development stage but it will be achieved at PoW end, this means we are going to receive only around 0.8% every month. This will guarantee a small and continuos flow to the developers, in order to mantain the project active. There is no developer premine at launch. Funds collected from mining will be held in a public address and will be used for future development and/or given to users with proven skills that will help us with improvements/marketing and promotion.

Litecred [LTCR] es una criptomoneda con su propia cadena de bloques.El precio actual de un Litecred [LTCR] is 0,000279 €. Litecred se lista en 1 exchanges con un total de 6 mercados activos. El volumen en 24h de [LTCR] es 0,002792 €, mientras la capitalización de mercado de Litecred de 8 439,12 € que la coloca en la posición #2493 entre todas las criptomonedas. Puedes encontrar más información sobre Litecred [LTCR] en

LTCR Mercados

# Exchange Par Volumen (24h) Precio Volumen (%) Tipo Tipo de comisión Actualizado
1 $0.002912$0.000291100.000000%SpotPercentage3 minutes ago
2 $0.00000000$0.0001490.000000%SpotPercentage3 minutes ago
3 $0.00000000$0.0001950.000000%SpotPercentage3 minutes ago
4 $0.00000000$0.0009670.000000%SpotPercentage3 minutes ago
5 $0.00000000$0.0001670.000000%SpotPercentage3 minutes ago
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Litecred Basics

Estructura de organización Decentralized
Tipo de prueba Proof of Work & Proof of Stake
Algoritmo QuBit
Lanzamiento 9 January 2016
over 8 years ago
Asset typeCoin
  • Cryptocurrency (1175)

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