Dreams (LIQUIDITY) Metrics

Capitalización de mercado
no data
Máximo histórico
0,000000 € 24 Mar 22 % to ATH (294.98%)
Volumen (24h)
Monedas en circulación
no data Máx: 1,000,000,000,000,000

Dreams Gráfico de precio en directo

Gráfico de precio

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About Dreams

Liquidity - The Base of Dreams

Dreams (Liquidity) is a Charity Reward Token based on the BNBChain with the main objective to unite Charity Lovers and Crypto Heads.

Whenever someone buys or sells our token, we reserve 2%
of the transaction and add this to the charity/development wallet.

Periodically we will make a donation in name of our token holders
to a selected charity organization and post proof on our website.

As more and more people adopt our token and our community grows,
the volume of transaction will also increase and build up larger donations.

With our donations we aim to support charity organizations
that make a difference for people and animals in need.

Our Community Driven Decentralized token was built on the Binance
BlockChain and has the name Liquidity.

Dreams [LIQUIDITY] es una token basado en Binance Coin blockchain. El precio actual de un Dreams [LIQUIDITY] is 0 €. Dreams se lista en 0 exchanges con un total de 0 mercados activos. El volumen en 24h de [LIQUIDITY] es 0 €, mientras la capitalización de mercado de Dreams de 0 € que la coloca en la posición 'no rank' entre todas las criptomonedas. Puedes encontrar más información sobre Dreams [LIQUIDITY] en dreamscharitytoken.com

noticias All News

Dreams Basics

Libro blancoDreams WhitepaperApertura
Estado desarrollo Working product
Estructura de organización Centralized
Tipo de prueba Not mineable
Algoritmo None
Billetera hardware Yes
Lanzamiento 11 February 2022
over 2 years ago
sitio web
WalletCoins Mobile App
Asset typeToken
Contract Address
Explorers (1)
  • Binance Coin (BNB) Token (BEP-20) (12901)

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