bitcoin2 (BSC) (BTC2) Metrics

Capitalización de mercado
no data
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Volumen (24h)
Monedas en circulación
no data Máx: 21,000,000

bitcoin2 (BSC) Gráfico de precio en directo

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About bitcoin2 (BSC)

The bitcoin2 - BTC2 , is a decentralized token with same total suply like Bitcoin and anti whale system .The first BTC2 idea is give for people second chance to buy Bitcoin. Why BTC2 is more good than Bitcoin, and why it great token for long holding ?Because BTC2 have anti whale system , no one token or coin have not this system !BTC2 working on BSC - Binance Smart Chain block chain , and have not big transaction fee.
How working "anti whale system" ?
Anti whale system working like in this example : you can buy 200,000 BTC2 for $10,000, but if you want to invest $100,000 in BTC2 you will not take 10 time more BTC2 you will take 208,000 BTC2, so this is example how working anti whale system of BTC2.
Who is founder of BTC2 ?
The founder of BTC2 is Alan Dikshit, his age 13 years old , Alan created : BTC2 contract, lounched it on pancake swap and created anti whale system.

bitcoin2 (BSC) [BTC2] es una token basado en Binance Coin blockchain. El precio actual de un bitcoin2 (BSC) [BTC2] is 0 €. bitcoin2 (BSC) se lista en 0 exchanges con un total de 0 mercados activos. El volumen en 24h de [BTC2] es 0 €, mientras la capitalización de mercado de bitcoin2 (BSC) de 0 € que la coloca en la posición 'no rank' entre todas las criptomonedas. Puedes encontrar más información sobre bitcoin2 (BSC) [BTC2] en

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bitcoin2 (BSC) Basics

Estado desarrollo Working product
Tipo de prueba Not mineable
Algoritmo None
Billetera hardware Yes
Lanzamiento 30 January 2022
over 3 years ago
sitio web
WalletCoins Mobile App
Asset typeToken
Contract Address
Explorers (1)
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