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DRN DRN Preis:

zł 1.62(-3.25%)
ETH 0.000155 (+0.67%)
BTC 0.00000421 (-0.52%)
zł 1.5824h Rangezł 1.68

DRN (DRN) Metrics

Marktkapitalisierung Rang 6068
no data
zł 15.40 11 Jul 24 % to ATH (850.89%)
Volumen (24h) Rang 3310
zł 156,806.00 BTC 0.408187
Vol / M Cap (24h)
no data
Umlaufende Versorgung
no data Max: 50,000,000

DRN Preistabelle Live


Price change:
High: PLN 15.01 Low: PLN 1.45
real time price:
Created with Highcharts 8.2.2Volume (24h)PricePrice BTCMarketCapPrice ETHPricePrice in BTCMarketCapVolume (24h)15. Jul26. Aug7. Oct18. Nov30. Dec10. Feb5. Aug16. Sep28. Oct9. Dec20. Jan23. Sep10. Feb15. Jul19. Aug28. Oct2. Dec6. Jan0250k500k750k1 000k1 250k061218243000.0000150.000030.0000450.000060.000075
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About DRN

DRN is the UTON blockchain-DAapps ecosystem where you can earn tokens while playing. The DRN supply is fixed at the beginning of the game, and each token is minted as players complete specific tasks in the game. It may be generated as a reward in personal dungeons, multiplayer dungeons (raid content), completing tasks (main and side quests), and winning PVE battles. The number of DRNs generated each week is limited and must be used when performing specific tasks. The supply and demand of DRN changes with the number of active users, and we will closely monitor the game economy to keep DRN in a healthy balance. DRN can be listed on centralized and decentralized exchanges and freely traded among players.

DRN [DRN] ist ein/eine Token ohne eigene Blockchain. Der aktuellste Preis für einen DRN [DRN] is $0.402004. DRN ist an den Exchanges von 1 mit einer Summe von 1 aktiven Märkten notiert. Das 24h Volumen von [DRN] ist $38 942.69, während die DRN Markt Kapitalisierung ist $0 welches es als #6068 einstuft aller Kryptowährungen. Weitere Informationen zu DRN [DRN] finden Sie unter

DRN Märkte

# Austausch Paar Volumen (24h) Preis Volumen (%) Kategorie Gebührentyp Aktualisier
1 zł 156,806.00zł 1.62100.000000%SpotPercentage2 minutes ago
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DRN Basics

API IDCoinPaprika API logo drn-drn
WhitepaperDRN WhitepaperÖffnen
Entwicklungsstatus Working product
Org. Struktur Centralized
Gestartet 30 August 2023
about 1 year ago
Asset typeToken

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