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What is the CryptoPerformance Coin (CPCoin - CPC)?
The CPCoin (CPC) is the native coin of the CryptoPerformance CHAIN, the proprietary blockchain designed by CryptoPerformance Group. Launched in 2020 the CPCoin has since become an integral part of the crypto market and a key asset to advancing the CryptoPerformance Platform and ecosystem. Every CPCoin acquired allows the owner to have a part of the innovative CryptoPerformance CHAIN and become an integral part of the ever-expanding community. The CPCoin plays a vital ...

Asset Type coin
Coins Compare

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Marktkapitalisierung Rang 806
$19 249 899 303.00 BTC
$10.58 26 Jun 21 % to ATH (5 055.69%)
Umlaufende Versorgung
Volumen (24h) Rang 1319
93 785 107
$441 375 6.94 BTC
Vol / M Cap (24h)
  • Überblick
  • Börsen / Märkte 3
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