BitcoinInvest (BTV) Metrics

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$0 103260 02 Nov 19
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About BitcoinInvest

Bitcoin invest is a peer-to-peer cryptocurrency backed by crypto-index fund. It is also a spot for crypto enthusiast who is less experienced or new crypto users to leverage on. A decentralized cryptocurrency with an open codebase which allows transactions to be publicly traced on a blockchain without linking any transaction to any particular user or sources. BitcoinInvest utilizes the Green Protocol, an energy efficient proof-of-stake algorithm inspired by PIVX/DASH, can be mined on any computer, and will never require specialized mining equipment. The Green Protocol offers a simple solution to solve mining sustainability issues and provides a faster, more scalable blockchain that is better suited for daily transactional use.

Premine: 2 000 000 BTV

BitcoinInvest [BTV] ist ein/eine Kryptowährung mit eigener Blockchain.Der aktuellste Preis für einen BitcoinInvest [BTV] is $0. BitcoinInvest ist an den Exchanges von 0 mit einer Summe von 0 aktiven Märkten notiert. Das 24h Volumen von [BTV] ist $0, während die BitcoinInvest Markt Kapitalisierung ist $0 welches es als 'no rank' einstuft aller Kryptowährungen. Weitere Informationen zu BitcoinInvest [BTV] finden Sie unter

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BitcoinInvest Basics

Entwicklungsstatus On-going development
Org. Struktur Unknown
Open SourceYes
Konsensmechanismus Proof of Stake
Algorithmus POS 3.0
Gestartet 9 September 2019
over 5 years ago
Asset typeCoin
Explorers (1)
  • Cryptocurrency (1192)
  • Proof Of Stake (915)
  • Premine (542)

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