Auroracoin AUR Preis:

$0.041371 (+0.76%)
ETH 0.000012 (+1.63%)
BTC 0.00000042 (+0.29%)
$0.039284 24h Range $0.046476

Auroracoin (AUR) Metrics

Marktkapitalisierung Rang 1378
$638,259.00 BTC 7.00
$97.84 04 Mar 2014 % to ATH (236,105.27%)
Volumen (24h) Rang 7995
$75.33 BTC 0.000773
Umlaufende Versorgung
15,427,537 Total:15,427,539 Max: 17,973,098

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About Auroracoin

Auroracoin (AUR) is a peer-to-peer cryptocurrency launched on January 24, 2014 as an Icelandic alternative to bitcoin and the Icelandic króna. The unknown creator or creators used the pseudonym Baldur Friggjar Óðinsson and allocated (premined) half of the 21 million total coins for the 330,000 Icelandic citizens living in Iceland.

This first-of-its-kind national ID enforced airdrop began with Phase I on March 25, 2014 with 31.8 auroracoins per claimant. Phases II / III concluded in 2015 with 318 / 636 auroracoins respectively per claimant.

Of these 10.5 million premined coins, approximately 40% of the coins were claimed, 50% of the premined coins were verifiably destroyed and 10% of the coins were gifted to the Auroracoin Foundation (M1 fund).

In 2016 there was a hard-fork to a multi-algorithm(PoW) code change. There was also a block-time change from 10 minutes to 61 seconds, a corresponding change in block-reward, resulting in a “halvening schedule” change and increase of maximum coins to 23.3 million.

In 2018 it was decided to liquidate 80% of the M1 fund to launch the Icelandic Blockchain Foundation (Rafmyntaráð) expanding Auroracoin’s blockchain advocacy efforts within Iceland.

In 2021 Auroracoin released another significant major release and continues to build upon it's original idea. A volunteer-driven, project oriented, regulatory compliant, open source cryptocurrency fiat alternative for the Icelandic nation and economy.

Premine: 1.000.001 AUR

Auroracoin [AUR] ist ein/eine Kryptowährung mit eigener Blockchain.Der aktuellste Preis für einen Auroracoin [AUR] is $0.041371. Auroracoin ist an den Exchanges von 3 mit einer Summe von 18 aktiven Märkten notiert. Das 24h Volumen von [AUR] ist $75.33, während die Auroracoin Markt Kapitalisierung ist $638 259 welches es als #1378 einstuft aller Kryptowährungen. Weitere Informationen zu Auroracoin [AUR] finden Sie unter

AUR Märkte

# Austausch Paar Volumen (24h) Preis Volumen (%) Kategorie Gebührentyp Aktualisier
1 $48.13$0.04059463.930000%SpotPercentage1 minute ago
2 $9.54$0.04673712.670000%SpotPercentage1 minute ago
3 $16.08$0.04060621.360000%SpotPercentage1 minute ago
4 $1.53$0.0390652.030000%SpotPercentage1 minute ago
5 $0.00000000$0.0552260.000000%SpotPercentage1 minute ago
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Auroracoin Basics

Entwicklungsstatus Unknown
Org. Struktur Centralized
Open SourceYes
Konsensmechanismus Proof of Work
Algorithmus Multiple
Gestartet 25 March 2014
over 10 years ago
Asset typeCoin
Explorers (2)
  • Cryptocurrency (1175)
  • Sha256 (93)
  • Scrypt (242)
  • Proof Of Work (1001)
  • Myraid-groestl (4)
  • Skein (6)
  • Premine (539)
  • Mining (576)

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