Hacash HAC preço:

$2.34 (-4.65%)
ETH 0.000612 (+0.02%)
BTC 0.000023 (-1.67%)
2,20 € 24h Range 2,44 €

Hacash (HAC) Metrics

Valor de mercado Classificação 1346
$2,223,510.00 BTC 21.00
Todo o tempo alto
44,73 € 17 Mar 24 % to ATH (1,906.11%)
Volume (24h) Classificação 3729
$22,081.53 BTC 0.212890
Fornecimento Circulante
950,590 Total:748,837

Hacash Gráfico de preços ao vivo

Tabela de Preços

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About Hacash

A fully designed, fair, open and shared cryptocurrency issuance and circulation standard system for modern financial transaction settlement, business and personal payment services will jointly promote the human economy into an open financial era in the next 100 years.

Hacash believes that although Bitcoin is revolutionary, it is not perfect, especially its “monetary” aspect has a very large shortcomings.

Hacash’s mission is not to subvert and replace Bitcoin technically, but to learn from Bitcoin’s “blockchain” and “computing power issuance currency” technology, using the “Austrian Monetary Economics Theory” as the guiding ideology, focusing on expansion, Improve and complete the system’s “monetary” indicators, including BTC to form a complete currency system, and combined with the channel chain settlement network, to promote the large-scale circulation and real-time settlement of encrypted currencies in real personal and commercial payments.

Hacash [HAC] é um criptomoeda com sua própria blockchain.O preço mais atual por uma Hacash [HAC] is 2,23 €. Hacash é listada nas 4 exchanges com a soma de 11 mercados ativos. O volume de 24h [HAC] é 21 025,09 €, enquanto o Hacash market cap é 2 117 131 € que o classifica como #1346 sobre todas as criptomoedas. Você pode encontrar mais informações sobre Hacash [HAC] em hacash.org

HAC Mercados

# Corretora Par Volume (24h) Preço Volume (%) Categoria Taxa Tipo Atualizada
1 $5 454.02$2.3224.700000%SpotPercentage1 minute ago
2 $2 570.40$2.3511.640000%SpotPercentage2 minutes ago
3 $94.48$2.330.430000%SpotPercentage2 minutes ago
4 $44.39$2.380.200000%SpotPercentage1 minute ago
5 $22.70$2.360.100000%SpotPercentage1 minute ago
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Hacash Basics

WhitepaperHacash WhitepaperAberto
Estado de desenvolvimento On-going development
Código abertoYes
Tipo de prova Proof of Work
Algoritimo X16RS
Começado 4 February 2019
over 5 years ago
Local na rede Internet
Código fonte
Asset typeCoin
Explorers (1)
  • Cryptocurrency (1175)
  • Proof Of Work (1001)
  • Layer 1 (L1) (119)

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