BitStorage Finance is a cryptocurrency exchange created with the goal of making cryptocurrency trading easier and more reliable. The BITStorage Finance is connected to most popular and recognized by internet community Payeer payment service, which made its reputation as reliable and stable electronic payment service for long years. helping to foster a closer integration between crypto and fiat currencies.
BitStorage tem um volume relatado de 24 horas de $21,882,956.00 com um volume real estimado de $21,705,245.00 É um a centralized exchange que oferece 24 moedas e tem uma pontuação de confiança de 74.39% com base em nossos algoritmos.
Volume total | $21,882,956.00 228.25 BTC
Volume ERV
| $21,705,245.00 |
Moedas | 24 |
Tipo |
Exchange Centralizada
Local na rede Internet | |
Status do website | Última verificação 8 minutes ago |
API Status | Última verificação 8 minutes ago |
Proteção de Segurança | |