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FRCРанг 7857

0.544199 ₽   (-33.87%)
0.00000011 BTC (-31.33%)
0.00000208 ETH (-30.08%)
-0.89 %
24 часа -33.87%
Неделя -9.94%
месяц +%
Год +%

Operations on Bitcoin provided by Coinpaprika


Freicoin: a peer-to-peer digital currency delivering freedom from usury
Freicoin is a P2P currency based on Bitcoin.

Unlike Bitcoin, Freicoin has a demurrage fee that ensures its circulation and bearers of the currency pay this fee automatically. This demurrage fee was proposed by Silvio Gesell to eliminate the privileged position held by money compared with capital goods, which is the underlying cause of the boom/bust business cycle and the entrenchment of the financial elite, and has been tested several times with positive ...

Веб-сайт: freico.in
Исходный код: github.com Source code
Обозреватель: freicoin.info
Обсуждение freicoinalliance.com
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Рыночная капитализация Ранг 7857
Пик цены
5.98 ₽ 29 Jun 24 % to ATH (998.31%)
Циркулирующее предложение
Объем (24 ч) Ранг 7122
? Общее количество: 100 000 000
26 979.00 ₽ 0.005445 BTC
Объём/Рыночная капитализация (за 24 часа)
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